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The Jellyfish: Made from discarded Styrofoam plates, the delicate dance of the jellyfish tells a story of persistence against an unyielding adversary. Jellyfish may seem fragile, but they are master survivors and a vital part of the marine ecosystem. They provide food for a variety of marine species, including sea turtles, and their presence in the oceans indicates the health of the ecosystem.


  • All artworks are printed in San Diego, CA using UltraChrome archival-grade pigments. A natural, heavyweight textured cotton, free of optical brighteners is used for paper prints. Canvas prints are printed on exhibition grade matte canvas and coated with a water-based varnish, which protects against UV ray damage and cracking. The materials and process ensure long-term, archival stability for both paper and canvas prints.


The story...

October 2023

It all started with a video of a whale shark

One evening, while I was caught in the abyss of scrolling through my phone, I stumbled upon a mesmerizing video of a whale shark. This whale shark had glowing white dots that shimmered like tiny disco lights underwater.

 It took my breath away, and I became obsessed with this video (and these incredible creators). I ended up in the black hole vortex of whale shark videos and found myself feeling very connected to these gentle giants.


Later that week, I went on a beach walk. Expecting to feel sand between my toes, I looked down, but surprise, surprise! Instead, I felt little styrofoam bits tickling my feet. They were washing up from the ocean. Cue the lightbulb moment!


I realized how similarly these dots looked to the dots on the whale shark. It was then that the inspiration for what would soon become the Styrofoam Echoes Collection struck me.


The Styrofoam Echoes collection was born from the idea that every little thing we do has a ripple effect. Just like an echo reverberates, our actions echo out into the world.


What could’ve been an innocent coffee cup used for a couple of minutes is now choking our marine life.


The collection is meant to inspire us to rethink our waste and remind us that we need to do better. The animals stand as a visual reminder of what it is we are standing for.

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